Instrument Calibration

Instrument Calibration Services

How good are your measurements? How would you know?

Calibration is the only way to truly ensure your measurements are correct. PLUS ES operates a NATA accredited calibration laboratory, that has a history of over 100 years calibrating electrical instruments and equipment. Our state of the art facility at Silverwater comprises a standards and a calibration laboratory.

The standards laboratory holds high level primary metrology standards, and performs calibration of secondary standards. Our calibration laboratory performs routine calibrations of field based equipment, that are traceable to the National Measurement Institute. The laboratory offers a wide scope of calibration capability, the main areas of which are voltage, current, power, power quality, resistance, time and energy.

PLUS ES is also the service and repair representative for Doble in Australia.

Contact (02) 9410 5183 to see how we can help improve the performance and safety of your instrument fleet.

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